Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Oh Paris Hilton...you poor thang !

Barbara Walters brought the world a glimmer of hope this morning, repositioning fallen debutante Paris Hilton as newly reinvigorated with the gifts of spiritual clarity. But even as she passes long, hard hours behind bars sketching the preliminary floor plans for the Paris Hilton Living Doll House Pediatric Recovery Center--featuring real play-servants sick children can dress up and order around as they please!--there still appears to be no shortage of judgmental commentary on the Hilton affair, and the greater question of What It All Means For Our Society. A round-up from around the web:

Jamie Lee Curtis--who, having once swapped bodies with Lindsay Lohan, has first hand knowledge of what it means to walk a mile in a Hollywood party whorelet's shoes--places the blame for Paris's predicament on bad parenting.That means you, Kathy Hilton: She thinks you're a terrible mother.

Washoe County Detention Center inmate Joe Francis wrote in a letter to TMZ that his "heart goes out to Paris," because he has learned first hand how "incarceration is not set up for high-profile people." He then goes on to list in detail his daily routine (lunches of "chicken-Caesar salads...and a Diet Coke" from The Burger Barn, a cell "nicer than my USC dorm," and four hours of leisure time a day. [TMZ]

Charlotte County Jail inmate Traci Mace on how Paris can beautify with scarce prison cosmetic resources, including coffee eye shadow and the glitter scraped off greeting cards. [ABC News]

Yall need to realize that poor Paris Hilton

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